〒861-8005 熊本市北区龍田陳内 2-31-18
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Psalm 28:7

The Lord is my strength and my shield;
    in him my heart trusts, and I am helped;
my heart exults,
    and with my song I give thanks to him.

Dear Parents,

Our bi-monthly financial support of the Children’s Center (orphanage) in Jinja, Uganda once again arrived safely. Pastor Joseph Musana was able to purchase food including beans (300kg), wheat flour, corn flour (one ton), oil (10L), sugar (50kg), rice (50kg), petrol, soap, toilet paper, medicine such as cough medicine, anti-malaria tablets and antibiotics. The total amount sent this month was ¥179,000 of which ¥30,000 was a one-time donation from a Hilltop parent. The ¥30,000 was used to buy 24 handmade uniforms.

All of you have been a tremendous blessing to the children in the orphanage. The situation has greatly improved. The children are eating well and have enough medicine. Because of your kindness, the Children’s Center has been able to accept and help more children. However, there are many more children in Uganda who need support and hope.

Currently, we are meeting the basic needs of the children and widows’, but our future goal is to also support education for the children and improve their living environment by having access to clean water, toilets, and other facilities to provide a more sanitary life. For this purpose, we would like to ask for your continued and increasing support.





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